Андрей Ситник, Злые марсиане
поддерживали 19 лет
Свобода ничего не стоит, если она не включает в себя свободу ошибаться
a {
<%= include clickable %>
color: <%= $link-color %>;
$var: 1
@include mixin
a {
width: 20rem;
@import "compass/support";
// The the user threshold for transition support. Defaults to `$graceful-usage-threshold`
$transition-support-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default;
// CSS Transitions
// Currently only works in Webkit.
// * expected in CSS3, FireFox 3.6/7 and Opera Presto 2.3
// * We'll be prepared.
// Including this submodule sets following defaults for the mixins:
// $default-transition-property : all
// $default-transition-duration : 1s
// $default-transition-function : false
// $default-transition-delay : false
// Override them if you like. Timing-function and delay are set to false for browser defaults (ease, 0s).
$default-transition-property: all !default;
$default-transition-duration: 1s !default;
$default-transition-function: null !default;
$default-transition-delay: null !default;
$transitionable-prefixed-values: transform, transform-origin !default;
// Checks if the value given is a unit of time.
@function is-time($value) {
@return if(type-of($value) == number, not not index(s ms, unit($value)), false);
// Returns `$property` with the given prefix if it is found in `$transitionable-prefixed-values`.
@function prefixed-for-transition($prefix, $property) {
@if not $prefix {
@return $property;
@if type-of($property) == list or type-of($property) == arglist {
$new-list: comma-list();
@each $v in $property {
$new-list: append($new-list, prefixed-for-transition($prefix, $v));
@return $new-list;
} @else {
@if index($transitionable-prefixed-values, $property) {
@return #{$prefix}-#{$property};
} @else {
@return $property;
// Returns $transition-map which includes key and values that map to a transition declaration
@function transition-map($transition) {
$transition-map: ();
@each $item in $transition {
@if is-time($item) {
@if map-has-key($transition-map, duration) {
$transition-map: map-merge($transition-map, (delay: $item));
} @else {
$transition-map: map-merge($transition-map, (duration: $item));
} @else if map-has-key($transition-map, property) {
$transition-map: map-merge($transition-map, (timing-function: $item));
} @else {
$transition-map: map-merge($transition-map, (property: $item));
@return $transition-map;
// One or more properties to transition
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * also accepts "all" or "none"
@mixin transition-property($properties...) {
$properties: set-arglist-default($properties, $default-transition-property);
@include with-each-prefix(css-transitions, $transition-support-threshold) {
$props: if($current-prefix, prefixed-for-transition($current-prefix, $properties), $properties);
@include prefix-prop(transition-property, $props);
// One or more durations in seconds
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * these durations will affect the properties in the same list position
@mixin transition-duration($durations...) {
$durations: set-arglist-default($durations, $default-transition-duration);
@include prefixed-properties(css-transitions, $transition-support-threshold, (
transition-duration: $durations
// One or more timing functions
// * [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2)]
// * For multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * These functions will effect the properties in the same list position
@mixin transition-timing-function($functions...) {
$functions: set-arglist-default($functions, $default-transition-function);
@include prefixed-properties(css-transitions, $transition-support-threshold, (
transition-timing-function: $functions
// One or more transition-delays in seconds
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * these delays will effect the properties in the same list position
@mixin transition-delay($delays...) {
$delays: set-arglist-default($delays, $default-transition-delay);
@include prefixed-properties(css-transitions, $transition-support-threshold, (
transition-delay: $delays
// Transition all-in-one shorthand
@mixin single-transition(
$property: $default-transition-property,
$duration: $default-transition-duration,
$function: $default-transition-function,
$delay: $default-transition-delay
) {
@include transition(compact($property $duration $function $delay));
@mixin transition($transitions...) {
$default: (compact($default-transition-property $default-transition-duration $default-transition-function $default-transition-delay),);
$transitions: if(length($transitions) == 1 and type-of(nth($transitions, 1)) == list and list-separator(nth($transitions, 1)) == comma, nth($transitions, 1), $transitions);
$transitions: set-arglist-default($transitions, $default);
@include with-each-prefix(css-transitions, $transition-support-threshold) {
$delays: comma-list();
$transitions-without-delays: comma-list();
$transitions-with-delays: comma-list();
$has-delays: false;
// This block can be made considerably simpler at the point in time that
// we no longer need to deal with the differences in how delays are treated.
@each $transition in $transitions {
// Declare initial values for transition
$transition: transition-map($transition);
$property: map-get($transition, property);
$duration: map-get($transition, duration);
$timing-function: map-get($transition, timing-function);
$delay: map-get($transition, delay);
// Parse transition string to assign values into correct variables
$has-delays: $has-delays or $delay;
@if $current-prefix == -webkit {
// Keep a list of delays in case one is specified
$delays: append($delays, if($delay, $delay, 0s));
$transitions-without-delays: append($transitions-without-delays,
prefixed-for-transition($current-prefix, $property) $duration $timing-function);
} @else {
$transitions-with-delays: append($transitions-with-delays,
prefixed-for-transition($current-prefix, $property) $duration $timing-function $delay);
@if $current-prefix == -webkit {
@include prefix-prop(transition, $transitions-without-delays);
@if $has-delays {
@include prefix-prop(transition-delay, $delays);
} @else if $current-prefix {
@include prefix-prop(transition, $transitions-with-delays);
} @else {
transition: $transitions-with-delays;
Модульный CSS-препроцессинг с Реворком
— TJ Holowaychuk, 2013
let postcss = require('postcss');
postcss([ plugin1, plugin2 ])
.then( result => console.log(result.css) );
function (css) {
css.eachDecl( decl => {
decl.value = decl.value.replace(/\d+rem/, rem => {
return 16 * parseFloat(rem) + 'px';
$blue: #056ef0;
$column: 200px;
.menu_link {
background: $blue;
width: $column;
.phone {
&_title {
width: 500px;
@media (max-width: 500px) {
width: auto;
@define-mixin icon $network, $color {
.icon.is-$network {
color: $color;
@mixin icon twitter, blue;
@mixin icon youtube, red;
:fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s;
:-webkit-full-screen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s;
:-moz-full-screen a {
transition: transform 1s;
:-ms-fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s;
:fullscreen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s;
@custom-selector --heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;
.post-article --heading {
margin-top: calc(10 * var(--row));
color: color( var(--mainColor) blackness(+20%) );
font-variant-caps: small-caps;
.icon {
opacity: 0.6;
display: inline-block;
.icon {
opacity: 0.6;
filter: alpha(opacity=60);
display: inline-block;
*display: inline;
*zoom: 1;
.title { }
.list { }
.item { }
.__Component_title_dj45 { }
.__Component_list_ha3l { }
.__Component_item_5q67 { }
Проверяет БЭМ для Твиттера (методология SUIT CSS)
/** @define Block */
:root {
--Block-property: value;
.Block {}
.Block-other {}
Проверяет поддержку свойств в нужных браузерах по Can I Use
main.css: line 15, col 3 -
CSS user-select: none not supported by: IE (8,9)
main.css: line 32, col 3 -
CSS3 Transforms not supported by: IE (8)
Изменяет дизайн для арабского и иврита
a {
left: 10px;
text-align: left;
a {
right: 10px;
text-align: right;
Что спасёт нас от
тёмной стороны CSS‑препроцессоров?
— A List Apart
Расставание с Sass:
дело во мне, а не в тебе
— Бен Фрейн, автор «Sass и Compass для дизайнеров»
Bootstrap 5 будет, скорее всего, на PostCSS, потому что оно выглядит офигенно
— Марк Отто, создатель Bootstrap
.pipe( sass() )
.pipe( postcss([
]) )
.pipe( sass() )
.pipe( postcss([
]) )
.pipe( postcss([
]) )